City Administration Department

Who We Are

The Guadalupe City Council consist of a Mayor and four City Council members. Mayor serves for a two-year term and Council members serve a four-year term. Elections are held in the fall of even numbered years on a rotating basis, so three seats are up for election every two years. 

Each City Council member represents the City at large, there are no districts.

The City Council establishes the mission, vision, guiding policy principals and goals. Council also represents the City on the following agencies: Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG), Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District (APCD), Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA) and Central Coast Community Energy (3C Energy).

The City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Guadalupe Council Chambers, unless otherwise noted. Every meeting is streamed live via YouTube.

The City Clerk is an elected position that serves as the Clerk of the City Council; attends meetings and prepares the minutes.  The City Clerk serves for a four-year term.

The City Administrator is a hired by the City Council and is responsible for the implementation and execution of Council policies, strategic planning, fiscal sustainability. With the exception off the Public Safety Director and the City Attorney, he has oversight of all city department heads.  

Rules and Regulations

The law which guarantees the public’s right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies is the Ralph M. Brown Act.


REQUIRED NOTICES AND AGENDAS REGULAR MEETINGS: Agenda containing brief general description (approximately twenty words in length) of each matter to be considered or discussed must be posted at least 72 hours prior to meeting.

SPECIAL MEETINGS: Twenty-four hour notice must be provided to members of legislative body and media outlets including brief general description of matters to be considered or discussed.

EMERGENCY MEETINGS: One hour notice in case of work stoppage or crippling activity, except in the case of a dire emergency.

Contact the City Administration Department

Todd Bodem
City Administrator

Juana M. Escobar
Administrative Assistant

Office Hours

Monday – Friday: 7am – 4:00pm

Phone: (805) 356-3891
Fax: (805) 343-5512

                         City of Guadalupe                                                   918 Obispo Street                                                           P.O. Box 908                                                     Guadalupe CA 93434