Planning Department
Our Mission
Guide land use and development consistent with the 2042 General Plan, Zoning Codes, and related regulations, by providing accurate, timely, and courteous professional and technical services to our customers, to maintain the City’s unique quality of life, protect public safety and the environment and promote economic vitality for current and future generations.
What does the Planning Department do?
- Performs complex and specialized planning work which may include current and long-range planning, analysis of environmental impacts and mitigation measures, etc.
- Prepares and conducts studies, and presents recommendations; provides public counter customer service; conducts independent research for special projects; etc.
- Assists in the preparation of General Plan updates, annexation studies, transportation, and other special planning projects; prepares and amends ordinances; reviews site plans, construction drawings, grading plans, etc.
- Prepares Initial Studies, related environmental documents; processes ministerial and discretionary applications; maintains records and files, etc.
- Prepares memos and staff reports; reviews construction drawings for substantial conformity with discretionary approvals; maintains planning stats for the department and generates monthly reports for the City Council, generates diagrams, exhibits, maps, etc.
- Interprets and applies local, state, and federal planning laws and codes.
- Develops various studies of land use, population characteristics, general economic activities, and support for the code enforcement unit (Public Safety).
- Works with the development community and City departments in a positive and informative manner; performs field investigations and prepares reports and recommendations.
- Assists the State in providing affordable homes, primarily through development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).
The Planning Department is located at 918 Obispo Street.
Every month, Week 1 and Week 3, we are open
Monday through Thursday 7:30 to 4:30, Friday 7:30 to 3:00
Every month, Week 2 and Week 4,
Monday through Thursday 7:30 to 4:30, Friday closed
Please contact the Contract Planning Director, Larry Appel, at if you have any questions or comments.
Guadalupe General Plan
Contact the Planning Department
Larry Appel
Contracted Planning Director
P: 805.356.3903
David Swenk
Contracted City Planner
P: 805.356.3903
Important Planning Links
- General Plan
- Documents and Forms
- Important Planning Links
- Planning Fees
- Guadalupe Municipal Code
New Development Impact Fee Program Begins on November 1, 2024
On January 23, 2024, the Guadalupe City Council adopted a resolution approving the “CITY OF GUADALUPE PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE NEXUS STUDY” dated October 6, 2023. This study provided a nexus (connection) between the need for Public Safety improvements (facilities and equipment) due to the increase in development and population within the City. The Study calculated a fee that was adopted by City Council. The Ordinance requires new development to pay the following fees during the building permit process:
$2.92 per square foot for Residential
$3.80 per square foot for Non-residential Commercial
$5.82 per square foot for Non-residential Office
$2.07 per square foot for Non-residential Industrial
The new fees will be collected during the building permit process, beginning on November 1, 2024. Appeal of the fees can be made through the Planning Director per Section 13.28.040 of the Guadalupe Municipal Code. Questions regarding the Impact Fee Program should be directed to the Director of Public Safety, Chief Michael Cash, at (805) 343-2112. The fee ordinance requires annual review as well as making Findings every five years to show the fees are still necessary.
All documents related to the fee ordinance are available for review below:
Impact Fee Nexus Study for Public Safety (Staff Report, Resolution & Report 1-23-2024)
Ordinance No. 2024-514 Adopted 2-13-2024