Contact Information

Phone Numbers

Building & Planning Department (Inspections /Business License Application) (805) 356-3903

City Administrator’s Office:

  • Todd Bodem, City Administrator – (805) 356-3892
  • Juana M. Escobar, Administrative Assistant – (805) 356-3891

City Attorney, Philip Sinco – (805) 598-7694

Code Compliance Department – (805) 343-2112

Emergency Preparedness – (805) 343-2112

Recreation & Parks Department:

  • Tara Sanchez, Recreation Services Manager – (805) 356-3906
  • Cynthia Payan, Facilities Rental Coordinator- (805) 356-3894

Finance Department

  • Janice Davis, Finance Director – (805) 356-3895
  • Water Dept & Business License Renewal – (805) 356-3896
  • Accounts Payable Dept – (805) 356-3899

Human Resources:

  • Sylvia Estrada, Human Resources Manager – (805) 356-3893

Fire Department – (805) 356-3905 

Police Department – (805) 343-2112

Public Safety Director, Michael Cash – (805) 343-2112

Public Works Department / City Engineer –

  • David Trujillo, Public Works Director (805) 356-3910

SMOOTH / Transit – (805) 922-8476

Solid Waste / Trash – (805) 242-7936 – WebSite

Water Department Emergency On-Call – (805) 406-9443

Wastewater Department (Sewer) Emergency On-Call (805) 310-9994

Guadalupe Senior Center – (805) 356-6155



918 Obispo Street
Guadalupe, California 93434

Mail (USPS):
City of Guadalupe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          P.O.  Box 908                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Guadalupe, CA 93434 
Mail (FedEx, UPS, etc.) or personal delivery:
City of Guadalupe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            918 Obispo Street                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Guadalupe, CA 93434

City Hall Hours
M-F, 8:00am-4:30pm