Finance Department
Mission Statement
The mission of the Finance Department for the City of Guadalupe is to provide good quality customer service to the residents, and to provide accurate and clear financial information to its City Council and constituents. The Finance Department maintains the City’s financial records and transactions. It ensures the proper expenditure of City funds. The Finance Department also oversees investment of City funds to maximize the rate of return in accordance with the City’s investment policy. The Finance Department manages employee payroll, accounts payable, utility billing, and it participates in the preparation and review of the annual budget for the City.
The Utility Department is located at 918 Obispo Street.
The public counter is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Utility Services
Open a Utility Account
To open a new utility account in Guadalupe, please come to City Hall to complete and sign an application for water and sewer service.
Para abrir una cuenta de utilidad in la cuidade de Guadalupe, por favor venga a nuestro edificio y complete una application.
Pay your Utility Bill Online
To pay your utility bill online with a debit or credit card, please visit
Para pagar su pago en linea con tarjeta de credit or debit, por favor visita la siguiente pagina en internet:
For instructions on how to pay your utility bill online, click here.
For instructions on how to use the drop box for payments, click here.
Para instrucciones de como pagar en linea, haga click aqui.
Para instrucciones de como dejar sup ago en el buzon de la oficina, haga click aqui.
Hydrant Meter Application
For more information, please call 805.356.3896
Para mas informacion favor de llamar al 805.356.3896
Business Licenses
Applying for a business license – To apply for a business license please complete an application. Your business tax certificate fee will be paid when you submit your application to the Finance Department.
Effective: 11/1/2024
City Administrator Policy 2024-01 Confirming Amount of Gross Receipts of Businesses Issued Business Tax Certificates by the City of Guadalupe.
Contact the Finance Department
Janice Davis
Finance Director
Finance Department Main Number