Stormwater Management
New Development and Redevelopment
The California Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Central Coast Region (Water Board) adopted the Post-Construction Requirements (PCRs) in July 2013. As of March 6, 2014, development projects that create or replace 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface (roofs or pavement) must incorporate specified measures to reduce runoff. Projects that create or replace less than 5,000 square feet impervious surface qualify as small, Tier 1 Projects. Projects that create or replace 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface except for detached single-family homes, and single-family homes that create or replace 15,000 square feet or more of impervious surface, require a more comprehensive Stormwater Control Plan (SCP), either Tier 2 or Tier 2 and 3.
The City of Guadalupe is utilizing the County of Santa Barbara Project Clean Water’s Stormwater Technical Guide as a guide in determining which Tier(s) apply to proposed projects. The forms for submitting a SCP to the City of Guadalupe are found below*:
Exemption Form – Stormwater Control Plan
Tier 1 Stormwater Control Plan Application Form
Tier 2 and 3 Stormwater Control Plan Application Form
City of Guadalupe SCP Engineer’s Certificate
City of Guadalupe Stormwater Maintenance Agreement (SAMPLE) (Tier 2 and 3 only)
Fees due for processing the applications can be discussed with the Planning and Building Department Counter located at 918 Obispo Street, or call permit technician Alice Saucedo at 805-356-3903.
Storm water management in our coastal community involves all of us doing our part. Learn more here:
Solid Waste
Benefit Districts
Contact the Public Works Department
David Trujillo
Director of Public Works
P: 805.356.3910
Contract City Engineer
Jeff van den Eikhof
P: 805.470.1910 ext 101
Jaime Vidales
Water Dept. Supervisor
P: 805.356.3890
Dayanira Cruz
Engineering Technician
P: 805.310.9052
Important Public Works Links
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Water
- Wastewater
- Streets
- Transit
- Solid Waste